Elderly individuals experience many health complications with their age. One of them is arthritis. And one kind of arthritis that afflicts at least 2% of individuals above 60 years old is Rheumatoid Arthritis(opens in a new tab) or RA.
If you are one of those individuals, then here’s some advice from experts on Physical Therapy(opens in a new tab) you can do to deal with your Rheumatoid Arthritis at Home:
- Becoming physically active.Physiotherapy(opens in a new tab) experts consider doing exercises like stretching, range-of-motion, and strength training essential in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Changing your lifestyle. A lifestyle that isn’t just active but also conscious of the triggers and foods you will eat.
- Consulting your doctor. Now that you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, your Orthopedic Doctor should be one of your best friends. You must also follow their advice to you.
- Doing heat treatments. Heat treatment includes compressions and a warm bath to relax the stiff joints(opens in a new tab) and tensed muscles.
- Doing cold treatments. If you have pain and inflammation, you can do cold treatments, too, especially if this is advised by your doctor.
At Outcomes Therapy, we aim that one day you will wake up with full strength and control of your body and mobility. Our services on physical therapy, Occupational Therapy(opens in a new tab), speech-language therapy, and others are bundles with the mission of helping you achieve comfort to a quality life. So, even if you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, our therapist can guide you to an enjoyable life while dealing with the disease.
Connect with us now to learn more about our services.
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